LTT SCADA - First Principles
This course follows on from the LTT SCADA Basic Understanding course and provides Delegates with a wider understanding of the LTT SCADA System. On completion of the course, Delegates will understand the User Groups and the privileges and operational controls assigned to those groups. They will be able to amend setpoints and gain an understanding of Historian auditing and archiving.
Key Topic Areas
The course will cover:
- Health and Safety (relevant for the working environment covered within this course);
- LTT SCADA User and User Group Account Types;
- LTT SCADA Historian:
- Auditing;
- Archiving;
- Back-ups;
- LTT SCADA Operational Control:
- Automatic Control;
- Manage Extreme Wet Weather mode;
- Invoke (or reset) the tunnel isolation.
The course will provide Delegates with a wider understanding of the LTT SCADA System. On completion of the training, Delegates are expected to:
- Understand the LTT SCADA User Groups the Group privileges;
- Understand Historian auditing;
- Be able to use Historian archiving;
- Be able to use LTT SCADA Operational Controls;
- Be able to amend setpoints within LTT SCADA.
Competency/Skills Requirements
Before attending the training, Delegates are expected to complete: