LTT SCADA - Operations - Part 1
This course covers three training modules. On completion of the Course, Delegates will be able to understand and operate the LTT SCADA System during normal wet weather and extreme wet weather and understand how the equipment that is needed and affected by this operation functions.
Key Topic Areas
Module 1 - Normal Wet Weather Operation:
- Health and Safety (relevant for the working environment covered within this course);
- Supervisory PLC Overview;
- LTT SCADA Tunnel Control;
- Tideway Pumping Station;
- Abbey Mills (Shaft G);
- LTT SCADA Air Management Displays:
- LTT System Wide;
- Active Ventilation Worksites;
- Passive Ventilation Worksites;
- LTT Interception and Discharge Management;
- Normal Operation.
Module 2 - Plant Exercise Systems:
- Health and Safety (relevant for the working environment covered within this course);
- Data Exchange Overview;
- Main Works PLC to LTT SCADA;
- LTT SCADA to Main Works PLC;
- Exercise Types:
- Penstock Exercise;
- Prevent Penstock Exercises;
- Storm Pump Exercise (Status);
- Exercise Routine – Single Worksite;
- Exercise Routine – Multiple Worksites;
- Exercise Routine Alarm Management;
- Exercise Routine Setpoints.
Module 3 - Extreme Wet Weather Operation:
- Health and Safety (relevant for the working environment covered within this course);
- Purpose of Extreme Wet Weather Mode;
- Purpose of and relation to the Precautionary Measures Flag;
- Met Office Interface;
- Interface Overview;
- Activate Extreme Wet Weather Mode:
- Pop-ups;
- Flags;
- Banner.
- Extend Extreme Wet Weather Mode:
- Popup.
- Flags:
- Banner;
- Deactivate Extreme Wet Weather Mode:
- Popup;
- Flags;
- Banner;
- Invalid Met Office File:
- Alarm;
- Events:
- Activation;
- Extension;
- Deactivation.
Module 1 - Normal Wet Weather Operation:
The module will provide Delegates with the understanding of the LTT SCADA normal wet weather operation, the systems required to provide the information within LTT SCADA and how the system will operate in automatic mode. On completion of the training, Delegates are expected to understand:
- The purpose of the LTT SCADA Supervisory PLC;
- The Tunnel Control mimics;
- The tunnel ventilation system in automatic mode
- The worksite Tunnel level in Normal wet weather mode;
- How to manually amend potential spill events.
Module 2 - Plant Exercise Systems:
The module will provide Delegates with the information and practical experience needed to run exercises on the systems provided by the System integrator. On completion of the training, Delegates are expected to understand:
- The data exchange between the Worksite and the LTT SCADA (Supervisory PLC);
- How to set and reset exercise routines;
- The Exercise Routine Alarms;
- The required setpoints.
Module 3- Extreme Wet Weather Operation:
This module will provide delegates with the skills needed to understand and operate the LTT SCADA System during extreme wet weather. On completion of the training, Delegates will be expected to understand:
- The Met Office Interface;
- How the LTT SCADA reads the Met Office data;
- How to set Extreme Wet Weather Mode;
- How to extend Extreme Wet Weather Mode;
- How to deactivate Extreme Wet Weather Mode;
- How to view Extreme Wet Weather Mode events.
Competency/Skills Requirements
Before attending the training, Delegates are expected to complete:
It is recommended that Delegates complete: